
About Us

Root2Source is an independent and an authorized distributor of semiconductors and electronic components for industry-leading manufacturers

Who we are

Root2Source is an independent and an authorized distributor of semiconductors and electronic components for industry-leading manufacturers. Our extensive product offering includes Automation Components, Electrical & Electronics components, Cables & Wires, Connectors, Test Products and components.

What we do

With our steppingstone laid in 2019, Root2Source had already positioned itself as a renowned and a reliable best-in-class distributor of latest product offerings by all the popular brands and several other Semiconductor giants. Though we have begun our journey with a focus primarily on the active and passive components, Electronics components, Cables & Wires, Connectors, Test Products and components, we aspire to diversify over the time with the ever-growing electrical & Electromechanical solutions.

Our promise of delivery

We are committed to achieve a 100% customer satisfaction in every single order we receive irrespective of the volume of the order! We understand how critical is the supply of components to keep your production process uninterrupted and hence we promise committed time of delivery of the goods upon the order confirmation!

How can we help?

No matter whether your business is big or small, our experts will help you find the Electronic Components parts for your need to keep running your production

Mail us today at for an appointment and our executive will reach out to you shortly!