Diodes are two-terminal unilateral semiconductor devices that allow the flow of current in one direction, while blocking the flow in the reverse direction. If your design needs a high-speed switching diode or high voltage switching diode. Bridge rectifiers, current limiting diodes, and fast rectifiers to small signal diodes, ultrafast rectifiers, and Zener diodes, we have everything you need to complete your design.
Bridge Rectifiers
Bridge Rectifiers
Current Limiting Diodes
Current Limiting Diodes
A current limiting diode (CLD) also known as current regular diode, is used to limit current over a wide voltage range. It helps keeping the current constant when the voltage changes. Our products are categorized by nominal regulator current, maximum limiting voltage, operating voltage, packaging type and power consumption. Simply select the right CLD chip.
Fast Rectifiers
Fast Rectifiers
Rectification made easy with a wide range of fast rectifier diodes. We offer general purpose rectifiers, fast recovery rectifiers to glass rectifiers that can be used in industrial, commercial, automotive, and other applications.
PIN Diodes
PIN Diodes
PIN diodes consist of three layers, a P-type layer, an N-type layer and an additional intrinsic layer. The presence of an intrinsic layer between the P-type and N-type regions of the PIN diode make it an ideal high voltage rectifier, RF switch, and photodetector.
Schottky Diodes
Schottky Diodes
Schottky Rectifiers
Schottky Rectifiers
With a low reverse recovery time, Schottky rectifier is widely used in power supply and power management circuits. We offer Schottky barrier rectifier, Schottky power rectifier, Schottky bridge rectifier, or high frequency Schottky rectifier.
Small Signal Diodes
Small Signal Diodes
Small signal diodes are non-linear semiconductor devices that are used in circuit involving small currents or high frequencies. Commonly seen in radio, television and digital logic circuits, they have lower current and power ratings compared to other rectifier diodes.
Standard Rectifiers
Standard Rectifiers
Switching Diodes
Switching Diodes
Tuning/Varactor Diodes
Tuning/Varactor Diodes
Varactor diodes, also known as tuning diodes or varicaps, are semiconductor devices that act like variable capacitors as their capacitance can be varied electrically. They are used in communication equipment and RF applications that require precise tuning.
Ultrafast Rectifiers
Ultrafast Rectifiers
Improve power efficiency in a circuit with ultrafast rectifiers that have very low forward voltage and quick reverse recovery to effectively reduce switching loss. They are used in a wide range of applications, from personal electronic devices to military applications that call for high reliability.
A special type of semiconductor device, a Zener diode not only allows current flow in the forward direction, but also enables flow in the reverse direction when the voltage is above a certain value, which is known as the Zener voltage.
How can we help?
No matter whether your business is big or small, our experts will help you to find the electronic components for your need to keep running your production