Discrete Semiconductors
Discrete semiconductors perform a single electronic function. Discrete devices are categorized into diodes, transistors and several other types, and are used in a variety of applications such as voltage regulation, surge protection, switching, power conversion and more. We offer a full line of discrete semiconductors from distinguished brands. Use our parametric search filters that allow for quick and precise product searches.
Diodes are two-terminal unilateral semiconductor devices that allow the flow of current in one direction, while blocking the flow in the reverse direction. If your design needs a high-speed switching diode or high voltage switching diode. Bridge rectifiers, current limiting diodes, and fast rectifiers to small signal diodes, ultrafast rectifiers, and Zener diodes.
A transistor is a semiconductor device that has a solid, non-moving part that passes a charge. It can amplify and switch electronic signals and electrical power, making it an essential component in many circuit designs. We offer exclusive selection of bipolar (BJT) transistors, Darlington Pair type transistors, digital transistors, general purpose transistors, IGBTs, JEFTs and more.
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